21 Excuses SAP Managers Make To Avoid The Agile Way

These are a list of reasons that have come up when we talk to managers of SAP projects that are not Agile. If your project is not yet delivered in an Agile way, what has been your excuse?

1 Business process cuts across various SAP modules and may not be fully configured in a single sprint/iteration. We cannot break all the business processes into smaller chunks. Even if done how will we know that it is on track for meeting the end-to-end process requirement?

2 Delta process cannot be demonstrated after every sprint, we can arrange the demo after several sprints.

3 SAP has interconnected processes and to have end-to-end visibility of the business processes, needs data reconciliations, thus it needs a big bang go-live

4 Customers will have an insatiable demand for change if we don’t freeze the scope upfront in blueprinting.

5 The SAP solution has been customized extensively, we need to lift and shift.

6 We don’t have documentation, nor do we have experts who know the complete working of these codes. Cannot advise you to change or drop what is already built.

7 SAP is best delivered using waterfall methodology and cannot converge with Agile.

8 We don’t get cross-functional multi-skilled team members as required in an Agile Squad.

9 Only functional consultants will interact with business process owners, and they will direct the developers and testers. The whole team doesn’t understand the process, nor do they need to know.

10 Automation is not easy; every requirement is unique.

11 We do not have enough repeatable tasks to automate.

12 We have boxed the scope in the contract. Any change is a change request.

13 It is not possible to provide a demonstration to the customer for every little feature that we add to a process. They will see it once fully configured in User Testing.

14 There is no value in doing incremental testing. We should do testing only once a process is fully configured.

15 Training the end user is not my responsibility.

16 Agile projects have too many meetings and overheads. I spend my full day in coordinating and preparing for different meetings.

17 We cannot do any further shift-left in our project

18 We cannot do releases of every feature we configure. We will bundle all the changes in one transport and move during cut-over.

19 If you introduce new changes, the schedule will be delayed.

20 This team cannot deliver in Agile

21 I don’t have that skill in my team

Do look out for this space for the rebuttal to each of the reasons stated.

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